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Protein Products


"The context of your existence satisfies you, completes you. Just as it is. You don’t need much. Almost nothing. Just a little protein, really."

Like all of the characters in this play, we don't know much about Alfonso. Here are a few clues:


1. He loves to watch movies in the Criterion Collection, which you can learn about on this page. The movies he references in the play are here. Click one!

alfonso's movies

2. Gabrielle Chapdelaine describes Alfonso as "annoyingly optimistic". This most likely refers to the concept of toxic positivity. He tells his Coworker that when he's feeling down, dramatic period movies are "better than therapy" (9 am). It drives the question, has Alfonso been to therapy? Based on what he says to his Coworker, he seems to work hard to avoid feeling "negative" feelings (a la Inside Out):


But the point isn’t whether or not you have the right to be sad, the point is to not be sad.

The point of what?

The point of life."

3. He is obsessed with online shopping. He especially loves to do it at work with a face exactly like this meme:

Below are a few foods he thinks about. The first two he shops for online, and the last one his mom used to make for him:

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